Oggi Claude E. Shannon, matematico e ingegnere statunitense, avrebbe compiuto 106 anni.
La sua Teoria dell'Informazione (elaborata insieme a Warren Weaver, "The Mathematical Theory of Communication") e in particolare il suo teorema della codifica di canale, sono alla base della Psicologia della Comunicazione e si studiano ancora oggi nei corsi universitari. Quante volte ho interrogato gli studenti su questo argomento : )
Grazie Shannon!
Today Claude E. Shannon, American mathematician and engineer, would have turned 106.
Today Claude E. Shannon, American mathematician and engineer, would have turned 106.
His Information Theory (developed with Warren Weaver, "The Mathematical Theory of Communication"), and in particular his theorem of channel coding, are the basis of the Psychology of Communication and they are still studied today in university courses. How many times I questioned students about this topic : )
Thanks Shannon!
Aujourd'hui est l'anniversaire de Claude E. Shannon, mathématicien et ingénieur américain: il aurait célébré 106 ans.
Aujourd'hui est l'anniversaire de Claude E. Shannon, mathématicien et ingénieur américain: il aurait célébré 106 ans.
Sa Théorie de l'Information (développée avec Warren Weaver, "The Mathematical Theory of Communication"), et en particulier son théorème de codage du canal, sont la base de la Psychologie de la Communication et ils sont encore étudiés aujourd'hui dans les cours universitaires. Combien de fois j'ai interrogé les étudiants sur ce sujet : ) Merci Shannon!
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